
Nicci Wood

Nicci has over 20 years’ experience in providing technical advice on national, regional and local asset, catchment and resource related planning, strategy and policy. A key member of the Technical team, she is driven by real world problems, inter-disciplinary working, collaborations and innovations that deliver opportunities for change, to create and deliver better communities and environments [rather than accept that what we have now is the best we can do].

For a number of years Nicci has been heavily involved in government reforms, including three waters and resource management. Advocating for the sector and advising governance and decision-makers on developing legislation and regulation and appearing at select committees. She is proud to be a member of DPMC’s Critical Infrastrucuure Industry reference group. Experienced in civil defence and emergency management she represents the sector on National Lifelines Council and is the chair of NEMA’s water sector coordinating entity. She is the lead supporting the operations, work plans, and deliverables of Water Services Managers Group, and stormwater, modelling and climate policy special Interest Groups, as well as representing Water New Zealand on the Rivers Group.

Nicci is passionate about the environment and spending time out-of-doors, being in nature. She loves travelling and loves meeting new people.