Water Literacy: Teaching Positive Water use Culture and Inspiring the next Generation of Water Industry Leaders



A workshop for individuals, or organisations with an interest in our tamariki’s water education. This fun and engaging workshop will allow you to connect with your inner child and reflect on your role in teaching positive water use culture and inspiring the next generation of water industry leaders.

Whether you are new to water education and interested in learning more, or are a seasoned educator or organisation with experiences to share, this workshop will allow you to;

  • Explore the resources and programmes available around the motu
  • Connect with experienced water educators
  • Reflect on your role in the next generations water education


  • Welcome/housekeeping
  • Water education showcase from the Waikato
  • Activities
    1. Water education resources show case: Explore and be inspired by attempting some of the activities available to our Tamariki. Find out what programmes operate in your area, or where there are gaps to be filled.
    2. Call to action: An opportunity to work with peers to identify how you could support water education
  • Close and wrap up from your workshop hosts, the Water efficiency conservation action network

Register Here

Water New Zealand Conference