Rain Check: Setting the Nationwide Benchmark For Stormwater Treatment Devices and Practices



This workshop will identify and confirm the need and scope for development of a national guidance document for the approval of stormwater treatment devices and practices. Such a document is intended to provide guidance to regulators in evaluating and certifying the use of innovative treatment devices and practices to meet their statutory requirements.

Initial Agenda:

  1. Identify gaps and issues inherent within the approval of design, construction, inspection, maintenance and compliance inspections of stormwater treatment devices in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  2. Review strengths and weaknesses in various available best management practices and approaches in New Zealand, Australia, UK and USA – or other.
  3. Identify pros and cons of international approaches for use in each NZ​ region based on areas of concern e.g., type of contaminants
  4. identify opportunities for these approaches and devices to enhance bicultural design outcomes
  5. Use this feedback from industry experts to make recommendations on good practice of contemporary aspects of stormwater management e.g. ‘deemed to comply’ stormwater filtration devices (raingardens etc)
  6. Move to create a comprehensive Aotearoa New Zealand specific stormwater treatment device and practice evaluation procedure to aid designers and regulatory bodies to consistently achieve the best outcomes for our freshwater, nationwide.

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Water New Zealand Conference