Consultation on Rules Setting Local Government Performance Measures

The Secretary for Local Government intends to make an amendment to the rule specifying performance measures for the activity group of water supply, as part of the the Non-Financial Performance Measures Rules 2013.

Performance measure 1 (safety of drinking water) currently requires councils to report “the extent to which the local authority’s drinking water supplies comply with:

(a) part 4 of the drinking-water standards (bacteria compliance criteria), and

(b) part 5 of the drinking-water standards (protozoal compliance criteria).”

The proposed amendment is to replace the references to the 2005 standards with references to the equivalent standards in the Water Services (Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand) Regulations 2022. Water New Zealand's submission comments on difficulty implementing the proposed new performance measures, and broader change needed to align the rules with the new regulatory landscape.

Enquiries about the submissions can be directed to

Consultation on Rules Setting Local Government Performance Measures.pdf

294 KB
15 May 2024